Who am I?
Hi friends! My name is Cyara (pronounced like Sierra) and I created this organization and site to assist other special needs families (especially our military friends!) with finding the resources they needed to pursue a variety of needs for their children and dependents. I grew up a Navy brat and lived in Puerto Rico, California, Florida, and Italy as a child. I’m also a Marine Corps veteran and was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina during my time in.
In January of 2004 my little brother Kyle was born. Kyle has a few special needs that the school system in our town in Florida at the time was not able to support with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) so my mother took him out of school at 3rd grade and homeschooled him until graduation. While Kyle was naturally an introvert due to his severe social anxiety, it hurt me that there were not a lot of options for kids like him to have fun.
My goal is for this project to be a shining light in the city of Jacksonville for individuals and their families to turn to for information or just when they’re looking for something fun to do!